Saturday, March 10, 2012

Prompt Week Seven: The First Person You Remember.....

Nana was sitting on the deck in the white, plastic chair, her black sunglasses covering her brown eyes to shield the sun. Nadia, her loyal Husky, lied underneath the table at her feet, panting heavily in the heat. As usual, she was reading a book, probably another romance novel. I sat down in the chair across from her and set my book down. Propping my scabbed elbows on the table and resting my chin in my palms, I began to read my book too. Out loud, I recited the word to “Good night Moon”, my favorite book and the only one I knew how to read. Nana laughed; it sounded like bells ringing and I smiled proudly. “Honey, that’s so good! You’re so smart!” Of course she knew I wasn’t really reading the book but she encouraged me anyway. I finished that book and started over; she listened to me read it without complaining once and asked me questions about the words. With each answer I received the best prize, better than any sticker in the world. A smile and a wink, sometimes a delighted clap and ice cream.


  1. One thing that always impresses me is a writer who can do a lot in a tiny space. This is very short but very rich and full too--neat trick.

    My first grandchild was born yesterday so this piece is especially welcome today!
