Monday, January 23, 2012

Journal: Day Seven

Went with Jess and her mother today while she got evaluated for her upcoming hip replacement. It is hard to see her in so much pain and I’m proud of her for finally going to the hospital and getting it checked out. I can only imagine how terrifying it is to have something physically wrong with you and knowing the only way to fix it includes months of painful recovery. Makes me grateful for my health and also makes me want to do everything I can to stay healthy and in shape.

I’m getting kind of freaked out over this book I’m reading for my True Crime class. It is called The Monster of Florence and it’s about a serial killer who preys couples in their cars at night. It is so creepy and now I feel nervous when I’m out at night if I’m walking by myself. I actually locked the door while I’m home sitting at the kitchen table doing homework right now, something I never would have done before. I barely remember to lock the door before I go to bed. I am seriously hoping the other books in this class aren’t as graphic and the stories aren’t as disturbing or it’s going to be a long semester of reading material that makes me want to puke.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, samantha, what's the point of doing TRUE crime if the end result is not hating, fearing, and distrusting the instincts, drives, and desires of your classmates...and all the rest of the crooked timber we call humanity?
