Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Journal: Day Two

Productive day. Woke up bright and early and only hit the snooze button twice. Went to the doctor and the grocery store, finally got fed up enough with my Open Office word processor and bought Microsoft Office. Great lunch with Ryan. Yummy, healthy wraps and lots of laughs. Perfect. Ran into Jess this morning for the first time since our conversation. Last night, Ryan and I avoided the situation (mature, I know) and went to a friend’s house. We stayed out just late enough that she was sleeping when we came home. Anyways, this morning was awkward. She was hostile, just as I expected. We passed each other in the hall for a second before she quickly walked into her room and shut the door.
Also, my heart broke today when the sole of my two month old, $100, perfect heather grey suede boots broke. The thing is, I searched forever for these boots. I had a picture of them in my mind: slouchy, soft and the perfect light grey that coordinates with every color. It was like Christmas morning when I found them and I bought them even though I would never spend that much on one pair of shoes. Ever. Apparently, spending more didn’t make a difference. I should have just gone to Target.


  1. Two months and a busted sole! That's almost as bad as waiting hours for books the bookstore doesn't have or having to buy MS Office. I've never tried the open source word processor--what was the problem?

    Take a look at the last graf here: that's a solid little stand-alone with a beginning, detailed middle, and drop-dead close. Nice.

  2. I'm still not impressed about the shoe situation! That was by far the worst thing that happened out of all three unfortunate incidents!

    Open Office is fine as a word processor but the files were not compatible with an online class I had last semester.Every time I tried to post, nothing would show up in the window! So I had to copy and paste my work to my email, email it to myself, open my email at school, copy and paste it to Microsoft Word, THEN I could post it to my class website. I'm taking a class with the same Professor this semester and don't want to deal with all that again.

  3. For someone without the problem I had, it would be annoying because it automatically splits your document into a two-page view and if it's more than one page, you scroll down and also have to scroll horozontally in order to read the document. It doesn't have headers and footers (and if it does, they're not easy enough for someone as technologically unadvanced as me to figure out!) is FREE!

  4. Reminds me of the word processing in the first computer I owned, back in 1989, a Tandy, with two big floppy disks you had to manuever in and out as you worked because the thing had no more memory than your average eggtimer....
